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. My First Show


    My eyes widened in excitement It was my first horse show ever. It was at a farm called Fiesta Farm. I felt the excitement bubble up inside me.I was so excited when our trailer pulled up . When the trailer finally parked, I ran over and put down the ramp and then put on Teddy’s leather halter and led him to the barn.

     When I walked in I heard the sound of my friend Jane’s horses hoof beats  behind me. We put our ponies in their stalls and made sure that they had fresh hay and clean water. We then left for the restaurant that had  burgers and fries . Afterwards we went back to the hotel we were staying at and went to sleep. The next morning I was so nervous about making a mistake in the show today! I tried to forget about it, I threw on my navy show jacket and hurried out the door.

     I got in the car and I was on my way to my first horse show ever. We pulled up to the show grounds and saw hundreds of pretty horses and riders. The horses were so cute and funny! One of them was even trying to walk it self! I tied up my horse and started to tack up.

   Once I was tacked up and ready to ride I got on Teddy and headed for the warm-up ring. In the warm-up ring I walked, trotted, and cantered. Then I warmed up on the cross rail jump and practiced my distances. Then I practiced and memorized my jumping course in the big ring. There were SO many horses and riders!

    I had to call” heads up” at least fifteen  times! After we warmed up we took our horses back to their stalls and took their bridals off and let them eat hay while I waited to show. Finally it was time! Time to ride! I went down to the stables and bridled Teddy.

   I took him out of his stall and got on him and rode up to the show ring. I went over the jumping course with my friend  Jane and my teacher and then rode into the ring and heard the announcer say “Ella Wood on Outta The Blue”. I walked in and began to trott my circle and then started to canter and did my course and walked out of the ring. I did 2 more courses and then it was time for my final course. I walked in for my final course.

I was nearing the end of the course doing my circle, when I steered my pony the wrong way but he went the right way and I fell off right in the mudd puddle! I saw the sand in my hair, I felt the wet sand and the rain coming down on me. There was sand all OVER me! My pony and I were soaked!

I walked Teddy back to his stall and untacked. I felt so bad about that. But at themnh end  of the day I got a blue ribbon and it ended up being a good day!

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